#Connected Camporee
Drill & Drum Competition
Plan to join this fun activity.
Virtual Drill Team & Drum Corps
The guidelines from the 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee will be adapted for these events.
Recording and Submitting
1. Recording device must be set on a tripod
2. Every member of the team must be visible at all times in the recording
3. Editing of the video is prohibited.
4. At the beginning of the video the team must be announced to the recording device
5. Start the video 5 seconds before the start of the demonstration and run it 5 seconds after the demonstration is over.
6. Recording must take place in a well lit area.
7. Set video resolution to 1080p Full HD
8. Recording must be done is a landscape position.
9. Video file must be saved as Drum or Drill + Club/Team name + category (example: DrillBayOfFundyFlyersBasic)
Videos must be submitted by July 23, 2021.

Click link below to download Drill Competition Guidelines and Criteria for Judging:

Click link below to download Drum Corps Competition Guidelines and Criteria for Judging: